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What is Composite Bonding?

Dr Jonathan Lever

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

You may have noticed the social media and tabloid phrase ‘Turkey teeth’, which refers to a trend made popular by reality stars of going abroad to have a full set of veneers and a dazzling white smile. This is a treatment that we cannot understand as it needlessly means filing down and potentially damaging otherwise healthy teeth.

What if we were to tell you that there’s a much less invasive treatment which delivers much more natural results, whilst being much more cost-effective.

It’s called composite bonding and is a synthetic resin which is the same tooth coloured material used to make ‘white’ fillings. We layer and sculpt it directly to the tooth which creates a beautiful and natural looking result. In many ways it’s similar to applying nail varnish over nails.

We can do this in one appointment and there’s no need to send anything off to the dental laboratory and wait for it to return. With regular maintenance (including annual polishing) the results can last for many years. They also look incredibly natural, and most importantly, as stated above, there’s no need to remove great portions of the original tooth.

Composite bonding is a fantastic way to achieve natural aesthetic results and restore any imperfections which you may not have been happy with for some years including:

  • Permanently stained teeth

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • Gaps between your teeth

  • Misshapen or crooked teeth

  • Discoloured or damaged fillings

If you have always wanted to improve your smile by repairing an unsightly chipped or cracked tooth, or indeed making it straighter or brighter then composite bonding may be for you. Simply call reception on 020 8958 0136 and book a complimentary cosmetic consultation.

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